Date Privacy Policy
The protection of personal data is very important to us. Therefore, we conduct our activities in compliance with the laws and regulations applicable to the protection of personal data and data security. In the following, we tell you which information we might possibly collect, how we handle that information and to which parties we might possibly disclose such information.
We only collect and process personal data that you actively provide to us via the application (e.g. when registering or using a contact form within the application).
When you access our application via telecommunications services, communication-related data (e.g., Internet Protocol address) and usage-related data (e.g., data on the commencement and duration of usage and on the telecommunications services used by you) are automatically generated by technical means. This data could possibly enable the telecommunications provider to draw inferences concerning your personal data. We have no access to this information. Whenever it is absolutely necessary to collect, process and use your communication-related or usage-related data, such activity is conducted in compliance with the laws and regulations applicable to data protection.
The Global Engineering application contains links to Global Engineering websites, which themselves contain links to other websites. Global Engineering is not responsible for the data protection policies or content of these other websites.
If you have any questions or comments concerning our Data Privacy Policy, please send us an e-mail at containing your questions or suggestions. We will continually revise our Data Privacy Policy to reflect the further development of the Internet and mobile applications. We will announce changes on this page in due time. Therefore, you should regularly retrieve this page, to learn the current status of our Data Privacy Policy.
For the quality of our performances we guarantee
We hold ourselves always to your services