Management Consultation


What do we want?

Above all we would like to offer expert consultation and support to those enterprises to all topics of the area " engineering ", which are not able to afford full-time advisors.
Small and medium-size enterprises are from great importance for the national economy. Especially for those the task of management , which is becoming more and more difficult , should be made more easy.

Which type of support do you need?

  • Assistance for the solution of a unique, clearly described function?

  • Accompanying consultation in different interests during a longer period?

  • Temporary assistance?

What do we offer to you?

According to experience in the business everyday life , frequently problems occur , which cannot be mastered alone.
Either the necessary prerequisites or the time are missing.
In such cases you can receive advice and support by our advisors. Owing to the professional and life experience of our coworkers ,
we are able to provide also for your case the competent advisor.

Our special strength

We know that the entrepreneur often feels alone. An interlocutor, who can listen and who goes into his problems, is missing to him.
Owing to the versatile experiences of our advisors and owing to their trustworthiness they are interlocutors, on whom one can rely.
They help discretely and they consider  the desires of the mandator in the bounds of possibility.

What do we cost?

The hourly rates of our advisors are adapted to the difficulty of the task and the financial possibilities of the orderer.
They are affordable also for little businessmen.

Basic principles

We address ourselves primarily to small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as to individuals, to who we offer a comprehensive and low-priced consulting service.

We attach great importance to serve our orderers rapidly and efficiently.
Our proposals for solution are to be in line with standard usage and be sufficient high claims of quality.
If these requirements could not be fulfilled , we abstain from the acceptance of the mandate.

We regard the potential at experienced advisors as the most valuable substance of our house.
It is an indispensable obligation of our advisors to keep their specialized knowledge constant on the newest status.

You have have trouble with the function of your production plants?

We can reliieve you of these concerns:

  • By economical investigation and statement of the error causes
  • By economical and efficient elimination of the sources of error

  • In the areas of mechanical engineering, electro-technology, industrial electronics and supply engineering

We in an advise and support you

  • Analysis and calculation of production costs of existing maintenance areas 
  • Measuring and making controllable the performance and effect of the maintenance

  • Method modification by costs saving repairing before disturbance and failure ofsystems

  • Installation related training of your technical personnel for cost-conscious and defined

  • maintenance and energy optimization 

  • Project engineering and installation of variable disturbance transfer systems, inclusive maintenance binding

  • With susceptibility to interference and for the increase of quality and quantity of the production mechanisms

  • Cost/use analyses of existing and/or newly planned supply of energy-installations of the

  • electrical -, gas, - warmth -, cold weather -, climate -, neutralization -, water supply-, waste

  • water -, disposal and heat recovery technique, Energy recovery, operational energy optimization and energy administration, inclusiveenergy contracting

Thus come into contact with us:

Contact one of our addresses:

A short a calling or letter, a fast fax or eMail, we get contacts with you immeditely. 

We are pleased to be allowed to co-operate with you.

We look forward to hearing from you, soon.

We're at your disposal